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The Power of Martial Arts: Building Happiness, Pride, and Community – by chief instructor Jacey 

The Power of Martial Arts: Building Happiness, Pride, and Community – by chief instructor Jacey  In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding avenues for personal growth, community, and happiness can be a challenge. Yet, nestled within the disciplined world of martial arts, there exists a powerful community that not only teaches self-defence but


Benefits of Family Martial Arts: Building Community, and Tradition

In a world often characterised by disconnectedness, the practice of martial arts offers a unique pathway to fostering strong friendship bonds, nurturing vibrant communities, and upholding time-honoured traditions. Beyond the learning of physical techniques and self-defence skills, martial arts instills values of respect, discipline, and perseverance, creating a holistic approach to personal growth and societal


Unveiling the Spirit of Martial Arts: A Path to Self-Discovery

Unveiling the Spirit of Martial Arts: A Path to Self-Discovery In the field of physical disciplines, martial arts stand out not just for their techniques and combat prowess but for the profound journey they offer towards self-discovery. Beyond the kicks and punches lies a deeper essence—a spiritual dimension that transcends mere physicality. As Bruce Lee


Setting Goals, Steps, and the Martial Arts Community

Setting Goals, Steps, and the Martial Arts Community In the pursuit of personal growth and fulfilment, setting goals is a fundamental step. Whether it’s advancing in your career, improving physical fitness, or mastering a new skill, goals provide direction and motivation. But beyond just setting goals, it’s essential to break them down into actionable steps.


Role Models in Club Communities

In the tapestry of our lives, heroes and inspirations play a pivotal role in shaping who we are and who we aspire to become. These figures, often found within the folds of club communities, provide a source of motivation, guidance, and positivity. In this weekly SKF Dojo blog, we delve into the significance of heroes


A Shout Out to Parents Who Parent: The Power of Hard Love, Martial Arts, and the Impact of Teachers, Coaches, and Instructors

Parenting is a dynamic journey that requires resilience, patience, and a unique blend of hard love. We must celebrate the parents who wholeheartedly embrace their roles, it’s also essential to recognise the profound impact of teachers, coaches, and instructors, particularly in the context of martial arts. In this blog post, we extend a heartfelt shout