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Valley & mountain people

For many of us, setting and achieving goals is a crucial part of our lives. Whether you are a Valley person or a Mountain person, goals help keep us motivated and moving forward. Valley people tend to be more focused on short-term goals. They are driven by the need to accomplish tasks quickly and efficiently,


Change the narrative, think happy

Anxiety and fear are two of the most common mental health issues that plague millions of people worldwide. It is normal to feel anxious and fearful, but it becomes a problem when these negative emotions start to take control of your life. The good news is that there are ways to battle anxiety and fear,


Build resilience for school and life

Sports are more than just a way to stay fit and healthy. Participating in sports can build resilience in athletes, both in school and in life. Resilience is the ability to mentally and emotionally bounce back from setbacks, and sports provide an excellent opportunity for athletes to practice this skill. Learning to persevere through athletic


Daily mindset change – Internal / external influences

Our mindset is the most powerful tool we have to change our lives. We often underestimate the impact that the internal and external influences have on our daily mindset. It is important to recognize both, in order to make positive changes. Internal influences are the thoughts, beliefs, and values that we hold. They shape our


Stamina Mindset school, activities & work

After-school activities offer endless opportunities to boost stamina and promote a healthy mindset for kids. Staying active after school is crucial, as it helps children cope with stress and anxiety associated with school and work. These activities also provide an opportunity for kids to unplug from electronic devices and have fun with their peers. Activities


Calm Mindset

As the new school year gets underway, it can be easy to get caught up in the stress and chaos of it all. With so much to think about – homework, exams, social events, extracurricular activities – it’s no surprise that many students struggle to maintain a calm and focused mindset. One simple technique that